nadir 200 millones de poder evony

Nadir 200 Millones Poder Evony: Ultimate Guide to Master the Game

Evony is an exciting strategy game that combines empire-building, epic battles, and a vibrant player community. Achieving nadir 200 millones de poder in Evony is a significant milestone that demonstrates mastery over the game’s mechanics. This article will guide you through the key strategies to reach this goal and stand out among the top players.

1. What Does “Nadir 200 Million Power” Mean in Evony?

In Evony, “power” is a measure of your progress and strength. It represents:

  • Troop Levels: Quantity and quality of trained troops.
  • Buildings and Technology: Development levels of your city.
  • Heroes and Equipment: Potency and skills of your commanders.

Reaching 200 million power involves a combination of powerful troops, advanced technologies, and strategic planning.

2. Benefits of Reaching 200 Million Power

Key Advantages:

  • Reputation: Respect in alliances and among players.
  • Conquest: Ability to capture key resources and territories.
  • Defense: Increased capability to protect your city.
  • Event Access: Participation in exclusive events and rewards.

3. Prioritize Building Development

Building development is essential to increasing your power.

BuildingMain BenefitPriority Suggestion
KeepUnlocks higher levels.Top priority.
Barracks & WorkshopsTrain troops.Continuous improvement.
AcademyResearch advanced technologies.High priority.
WarehouseProtect resources.Medium priority.

4. Train High-Level Troops

Troops contribute significantly to your power.

Types of Troops:

  • Infantry: Strong defense.
  • Archers: Effective long-range attacks.
  • Cavalry: Fast and deadly in direct attacks.
  • Siege Units: Perfect for destroying enemy defenses.

Tip: Focus on training troops at level 10 or higher to maximize your power.

5. Upgrade and Equip Your Heroes

Your heroes play a crucial role in battles and power growth.


  • Select the Best Heroes: Prioritize those with combat or gathering skills.
  • Upgrade Equipment: Use resources to forge and enhance weapons and armor.
  • Level Up: Participate in events and battles to gain experience.

6. Research Advanced Technologies

Research at the academy can give you a significant advantage.

Key Research Areas:

  • Military: Boost troop strength and defense.
  • Economic: Enhance resource gathering.
  • Defense: Strengthen your walls and towers.

Tip: Prioritize military research to quickly reach 200 million power.

7. Participate in Events and Missions

Evony offers frequent events with great rewards.

  • Weekly Events: Offer exclusive resources and items.
  • Daily Missions: Help earn experience points and materials.

Tip: Join all events to maximize your gains and accelerate your progress.

8. Manage Your Resources Efficiently

Poor resource management can slow your progress.

Resource Management Tips:

  • Prioritize Key Materials: Wood, food, gold, and stone.
  • Use Boosts: Increase resource production.
  • Attack Inactive Players: Loot resources from neglected cities for significant gains.

9. Join an Active Alliance

A good alliance can be a game-changer on your journey to 200 million power.

Benefits of an Alliance:

  • Reinforcements: Assistance in battles and defense.
  • Bonuses: Access to alliance technologies.
  • Events: Participate in wars and earn rewards.

Tip: Look for alliances with experienced and active players.

10. Avoid Common Mistakes

Mistakes to Avoid:

  • Underestimating Defense: An attack can cost you resources and troops.
  • Neglecting Technology: This can delay your growth.
  • Spending Recklessly: Save resources for priority upgrades.

Tip: Plan your actions carefully to avoid costly errors.


Reaching nadir 200 millones de poder in Evony is a significant achievement that requires patience, strategy, and dedication. Focus on building development, technology research, troop training, and hero upgrades. Remember to join an active alliance and take advantage of in-game events to maximize your progress.

Follow these steps, and you’ll be one step closer to mastering the world of Evony. The path to 200 million power awaits!

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